Sunday, June 29, 2008

Clean Break.

I have many places where I blog. I have a Xanga, a Livejournal, and a Facebook, and I used to use Myspace and a very old Blogger. I even keep a written journal.

For me, they have varying degrees of privacy, and I use them for different purposes. The main thing they all have in common, though, is that I don't try very hard to make sense. I just spew out whatever is on my mind and leave it there for whatever poor soul chooses to come along and make out my brain-smother.

I have decided that the time has come for me to at least try and be coherent. To at least try to write like someone will read the material. And maybe then I'd actually become a better writer, right? Ha ha.

Plus, I have a lot of baggage. My Xanga, for example, has been around since I was in... 7th or 8th grade. It's interesting to see the progression as I've, y'know, matured, but it's still really strange and kind of embarrassing to still have it up on the internet for anyone to see. Yech.

So here it is. A clean break. Let's see if it works out.

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